Saturday, February 29, 2020

Case study hr after a disaster

In a large organization employing is highly educated professionals is to conduct a needs assessment of the professionals. Directing a needs assessment is important, so that the management looking at the rewards and challenges of being a manager that can motivate the professionals effectively. In addition, educated professionals need to fulfil their self-actualization needs, needs for achievement and needs for affiliation. Organic structure can be adopted in managing the professionals. Organic structure can be adopted in managing the professionals at the same time. In a large organization that employees highly educated professionals, is giving more important for the organization to fulfil the self-actualization needs of the professionals. According to Maslow Hierarchy, self-actualization need is a person’s needs for growth, achieving one’s potential and self-actualization. Moreover, it is also a person’s need to become what he or she is capable is becoming. However the manager can provide training to the professionals to fulfil their actualization need. For example, the manager can provide training in communicate skills, computer systems application and programming, customer service as well. Besides that, managers can apply theory Y to motivate the highly educated professionals. Theory Y is the assumption that employees are creative, enjoy work, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-direction. And yet there several ways for a manager to motivate employee based on Theory Y. For example, managers can adopt participative decision making. Furthermore, Organic structure is the suitable use for more flexible structures with less clearly-defined chains of command. Effective companies usually try to use the best structure for their specific situation. In addition, there are six characteristics of organic structure which is cross-functional team, cross-hierarchical teams, free flow of information, and wide spans of control, decentralization and low formalization. Then, decentralization is more independence, freedom, increase flexibility, speed up decision making, get closer to customers, empower employees and reduce costs. As conclusion, the manager can provide training to the professionals to fulfil their actualization needs. As a nutshell, Organic structure is more suitable for motivating the highly educated professionals and is a highly adaptive form that is as loose and flexible as well too.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Report - Essay Example Sub-normal rainfall, with less than 100mm of rain per year can occur every 3-4 years. The region is characterised by one wet season, between April-August, followed by a prolonged dry season. Average rainfall varies from 600mm in lowland areas to 1500mm in the highlands. Temperatures range from 16Â °-30Â °c (BDVS, 2005). 1.4 Population The mean density of people is 33.1 per km? (BDVS, 2005). However, this figure varies, and most settlements and populations are found near water resources. 62% of the population don’t have enough food to maintain a healthy living. 1.5 Land use 20,000 Ha of land is used for cultivation of food and cash crops. However, despite the large size of farmed land, the water supply from rivers and lakes is inadequate to meet domestic, livestock and irrigation needs. 2 Water Provision and Scarcity The WWF (World Wide Fund) states that ‘freshwater is essential to human health, agriculture, industry and natural ecosystems, but is now running scarce in many regions of the world. Figure 2 highlights reasons for current water shortages. Figure 2 – Reasons For Water Shortages Adapted from Sub-sea Infrastructure Report (2006) According to Lomborg (2001), the world’s water consumption has almost quadrupled since 1940. Many experts and environmental agencies including the UN Environmental Report GEO 2000 claim that the water shortage constitutes a ‘full scale emergency’, where ‘the world water cycle seems unlikely to be able to cope with increased demands over the coming decades’. 3 The World’s Arid Regions Arid and semi-arid regions cover 30% of the total area (see Figure 3) of the world’s land surface (Balon and Dehnad, 2010) and over 40% of the world’s population live in these areas. Source: 4 Methods of Water Provision Mismanagement of existing boreholes, irrigation furrows and dams have lead to lengthy periods of disrepair , siltation and dereliction of Baringo’s water supplies. Facilities are also often polluted by human and animal waste. For a district that is water-deficient, most of the rainwater that does fall goes to waste due to a lack of appropriate harvesting technologies, especially at household level according to the Baringo District Vision and Strategy: 2005-2015. I aim to highlight how mitigation strategies and water supply management can improve the effectiveness of water resources and provide long-term sustainable solutions. 4.1 Surface Water Capture and Storage ‘There is a need to improve the efficiency of distribution and use of water’ (Gange, 1965). Kenya’s current National Development Plan emphasises the promotion and utilization of rainwater for sustainable development. Non-profit organisations such as Kenya Rainwater Association (KRA) aim to unite communities and bring individuals, institutions, landowners and organisations together to enhance rainwater harvest and utilization techniques. They are currently investing in methods for reducing losses such as evaporation from large storages, seepage from supply channels and other wastage that occurs within the distribution system. They’ve also built roof water tanks for schools that collects and provides safe drinking water. 4.2 Irrigation Agriculture Use of water from the Chemeron Reservoir is a critical issue in Baringo. Current methods of informal basin and channel irrigation involve little monitoring of water application. Modern irrigation

Saturday, February 1, 2020

An effective speaker paper comparison critique of 2 famous speeches Essay - 1

An effective speaker paper comparison critique of 2 famous speeches - Essay Example Both speeches were enthralling considering that they were delivered by Presidential candidates. Personally, I was impressed by both speeches because they were towering and very insightful. Both speeches remind us of our struggle and our best qualities, on how we were able to surmount them through hardwork and perseverance. In Obama’s speech, I particularly like the line â€Å"time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions; greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction. This is the journey we continue today†. This is very appropriate considering that America was under a crisis and still is struggling to overcome it. Obama also spoke of national unity, â€Å"to end petty grievances and false promises† recognizing that America is shaped by â€Å"every language and culture, drawn from every planet of this earth†. Finally, Obama relate that he is one of the â€Å"People (who) have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers†. Romney’s speech is equally towering. He also spoke of our struggles and offered hope. He enumerated that he knew the struggle of common man by relating â€Å"driving home late from that second job, or standing there watching the gas pump hit 50 dollars and still going, when the realtor told you that to sell your house youd have to take a big loss† was very reflective of the pain of many Americans during the financial crisis. He added â€Å"But what could you do? Except work harder, do with less, try to stay optimistic. Hug your kids a little longer; maybe spend a little more time praying that tomorrow would be a better day† it was indeed a dark moment that Mitt Romney painted emblematic of the American’s struggle